Sunwoda Electronic, NGO Wellman join hands, distribute food among needy


Delhi:  In a bid to provide succor to the needy during lock down period a Noida –based NGO Wellman Foundation, in association with Sunwoda Electronic India Private Limited distributed ration packets to families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic on Sunday.

Equipped with hygienic protective gears like gloves and face masks and using hand sanitisers the volunteers also maintained distancing during food distribution.

Several NGOs, individuals and businesses are pitching in to help the citizens and government through various initiatives with the hope that humanity would survive these dreadful times of Coronavirus onslaught.

Sunwoda Electronic India Director Anil Ji Garg along with Mr. Gavin Zhang, Mr Rabendra Singh, Brajesh Sirohi, Shankar Singh, Shweta Anand were present during ration distribution. 

Sunwoda Electronic India Director Anil Ji Garg

Besides,Wellman Foundation President Md. Tayyab Hussain, Ms Shilpi Singh, Manish Jha, Neelam Jha, Vineet Prajapati, Rahul Yadav, Firoz Ahmad, Shivanand Mishra, Rajendra Upadhyay also actively participated in ration distribution.

Neelam/ Manish for Smart Gov


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