Let the world know: Why Russia be the favourite study hub for Indian young aspirants


What opportunities are there to study and work in Russia? Young professionals from India who are currently studying at South Ural State University (SUSU) shared their experiences with Sputnik.

Students and young professionals who want to develop actively in science and take part in international projects find it important to gain experience in foreign countries and learn about their cultural peculiarities.

Doing so can help students acquire new knowledge and useful acquaintances, broadcast their ideas to a larger audience, and introduce their country’s traditions and scientific achievements to the world.

Upasak Bose Studies International Relations, Business and Economics

Upasak Bose has earned an MBA in Finance and Marketing, as well as a diploma in Financial Accounting in his home country. He has already worked as a business analyst for a leading IT company in India. Among the young researcher’s new goals are to complete his postgraduate degree in economics at SUSU, get a PhD and be active in teaching. Upasak is already helping students learn English.

The young scientist pays a lot of attention to research activities. In cooperation with SUSU professors, he has already written 13 articles for scientific journals.

The example of Russian teachers is inspiring, and he would like to stay and work at SUSU in the future, the student from India said.

In his free time away from studying economics, the postgraduate student learns about politics, business and international relations. The university tries to support the interests of young academics from other countries.

“I am involved in almost all events or projects related to the economy, international relations or my area of research. For instance, I participated in the model conferences of the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO),” Upasak Bose said.

Apart from participating in these activities, the young scholar tries to prove himself as an organiser. Together with the International Students’ Association, he has organised several Indian festivals, Diwali and Bengali New Year, to introduce university students to Indian culture.

Vivek Theyyathan Valappil Studies Economics and Wants to Start His Own Business

Vivek is studying for a bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Trade at SUSU. He is interested in entrepreneurship, marketing and analytics.

“I plan to stay in Russia for the time being until I finish my studies, and then I intend to open a business that can be scaled up to an international company,” he said.

The young man lives in a university dormitory. In his free time, he likes to go out and talk to people. He is interested in studying the consumer culture of Russians, how they make decisions and choose one product or another.

“Universities tend to focus on creating a workforce. Although in good universities there is also a lot for an entrepreneur to learn as well. At SUSU, I can use the library and seek advice from professors,” Vivek said.

He said he already started to get a better understanding of the specifics of the Russian market and consumer behaviour.


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