Bureau of Energy Efficiency releases e-Book on impact assessment of efficiency measures


New Delhi :Union Power Minister R. K. Singh has congratulated the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) for the release of their e-Book on Impact Assessment of various energy efficiency measures taken in the year 2018-19.

Mr singh said India’s work in energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions is being appreciated internationally.

The energy efficiency measures of 2018-19 have remarkably actuated Electrical Energy Savings of 136.374 BU and avoided capacity generation of 43.24 GW resulting in the cost savings worth INR 67,039 Crore and reduction of 111.83 Million Tonnes in CO2 emissions.

The measures, furthermore, brought about Thermal Energy Savings of 12.00 Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (MTOE), cost savings worth INR 22,083 Crores and reduction of 39.91 MT in CO2 emissions.

Thus, Total Energy Savings of 23.73 MTOE, cost savings in tune of INR 89,122 crores and reduction in CO2 emissions of around 151.74 Million Tonnes have been recorded.

Domestic sector has the highest contribution (81.3%) in the total electrical energy savings from all energy efficiency interventions carried out during FY 2018-19.

Similarly, Energy savings at the supply side has been achieved in the order of 23.728 Mtoe (inclusive of demand side energy savings).

These energy savings amount to 2.69% of the total primary energy supply (879.23 Million Tonne of Oil Equivalent) during 2018-19.

With the GDP expected to grow at around 6%, the gap between energy supply and energy demand can be fulfilled by enhancing the efficiency of energy usage.

Advances in technological excellence, engineering and capability will further help these demand sectors to achieve the global benchmark in energy efficiency and steadily reduce the energy intensity.

With this understanding, the Bureau of Energy efficiency has developed a National Strategy Plan Titled Unlocking National Energy Efficiency Potential (UNNATEE).

As per the report, India’s energy saving potential is estimated to be 86.9 Mtoe in case of a “moderate” implementation of EE programs
and 129 Mtoe in case of an “ambitious” implementation of EE programs by year 2031.

This study assesses the overall impact of all the energy efficiency schemes at national as well as state level for the FY 2018-19 and compares it with a situation where the same were not implemented.

The estimated findings of the report reflect that the adoption of energy efficiency schemes/ programmes have led to overall electricity savings to the tune of 113.16 BU in 2018-19, which is 9.39% of the net electricity consumption (1204 BU).

The study divides the various sectors of the economy into those that only consume energy (i.e. Demand Side sectors) and those that primarily
produce / transform / supply energy in addition to consuming energy (i.e. Supply Side sectors).

J P GUPTA for Smart Gov


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