REPL registers 39.40% growth over FY-18


New Delhi: Urban Development & infrastructure consultancy firm REPL (Rudrabhishek Enterprises Ltd) has shown robust growth of 39.40 per cent in the financial year 2017-18, keeping intact the trends of past several years.

The company tabled its financials of the FY 2017-18 at its 26th AGM here on Wednesday.It was the company’s first AGM after getting listed at NSE Emerge earlier this year in July 2018.

According to REPL CMD Pradeep Misra, “The company recorded sales of Rs. 38.42 Crore and EBITDA of Rs. 8.44 Crore in FY 18, which is a growth of 39.40% and 20.63% respectively over FY 17. The PAT( Profit after tax) stood at Rs. 5.26 Crore. The transition to a public listed company (NSE – SME Emerge platform), has not only enhanced our credibility but made us a part of the bigger picture.”

During the financial year REPL was awarded with many large scale prestigious projects such as Kanpur Smart City, Dehradun Smart City, DG-MAP Meerut, PMAY-UP, and Street Vending Plan -Haryana etc.

Mr. Misra further stated that in the coming fiscal year the company is targeting to further expand in other areas of infrastructure sector such as highways.

During the previous year REPL has signed an important MoU with the Hungarian multinational Graphisoft for implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling); and with Italian firm Team Systems SPA for STR Vision CPM (Construction Project Management).

After listing at NSE, the REPL net worth has gone up and it is now in the league which is largely dominated by MNCs till now, but devaluation of Indian Rupee (INR) has given REPL and other domestic companies an edge over MNCs of similar field.

JPG for SG Bureau


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