Rangsons opens neuropsychiatric disorders treatment centre in India

Left to Right- Mr. Pavan Ranga, Dr. Claus Mathiesen, Dr. Murli Rao, Dr. Jateen Ukrani

New Delhi: Rangsons Healthcare today launched India’s first chain of super specialized neurocare centers for treating depression.

It will be the first of its kind center to use US FDA-approved Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for treating Depression, Addiction and OCD in India.

Around the world, TMS has evolved an effective non-drug based treatment option or an adjunct (add-on) treatment for depression with no side-effects. It has helped thousands of patients to overcome Depression, OCD and has shown effectiveness for addictive disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Post Stroke Depression and Depression during Pregnancy.

It has also been effective for whom the antidepressants may have worked only partially. Recognizing its effectiveness, numerous health insurance companies cover TMS treatment in USA and around the world.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate targeted nerve cells and improves symptoms of depression and other listed conditions mentioned above. A typical TMS session lasts for about 19 minutes and the accelerated version lasts for about 9 minutes post which, the patients can resume their normal daily activity immediately.

Speakng on the occasion NR Group Managing Partner and Rangsons MD Pavan Ranga said, “Presently, Depression and Addiction are common ailments that plague a large section of the population in India. Our goal at Mindful TMS Nuerocare, is to create awareness about mental illnesses and to help patients who have or have not responded to medication. Our biggest strength is that we are global. This treatment has helped over a million people in the US and now it is being brought to India. ”

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences, Loyola University Chicago Professor and Chair Dr. Murali S. Rao said, “Depression afflicts a large number of adolescents, middle-aged groups and the elderly, both men and women in India, with an estimated prevalence of 56 million in India alone, as per recently published WHO report, affecting more in women than men.”

He said a large segment of depressed individuals who are in real need of treatment, are unable to get a holistic treatment and care, either because of non-availability, low awareness, prevailing stigma or discrimination of such patients.

Though psychotherapy and anti-depressants are the first line of treatments available, the response and remission rates for antidepressants remain low in about 60% of depressed population, the so called treatment resistant (TRD), he added.

“For such patients, now there is a third option, now made available – a novel, advanced and evidence-based, effective and a non-invasive approach, directly affecting the disrupted neural circuitry in the brain, which could benefit thousands of patients who are now suffering silently”

“These circuitry based disruptions during depression and corrective changes following successful course of treatment are clearly demonstrated by advanced neuroimaging technologies” as explained by Dr Murali Rao, who has been practicing this modality of treatment since it was first approved by the FDA in USA in 2008.

A state-of-the-art facility located at heart of the city, Greater Kailash II, will offer a distinguished treatment for psychological, psychiatric, and behavioural health and well-being.

Through MindfulTMS Neurocare, the company aims to bring more such revolutionary approaches and expertise to help many people in India who are looking for a unique and proven treatment for depression.

  • Rakesh Giri for SG




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