iB Hubs,CyberEye join hands; organise first event of its type


The two – day ‘The Things Conference India’ summit organised for the first time in any Asian country was organised at Hyderabad on November 9-10.

The event was presented by CyberEye, a technology company with a vision to build a smart and secure world. CyberEye is supported end-to-end by iB Hubs.

Telangana Principal Secretary – IT, Jayesh Ranjan , Mission Director – Atal Innovation Mission Ramanan Ramanathan, and President of Foundation for Futuristic Cities Karuna Gopal besides global leaders in IoT and LoRaWAN(Low Power, Long Range Wide Area Network technology) like The Things Industries CEO & Co-founder Wienke Giezeman and The Things Network CTO & Co-founder Johan Stokking were some of the domain experts who shared their thoughts during the event.

Besides, Vice President Of Software Engineering at Multi-Tech Systems Prasad Kandikonda and iB Hubs Group Advisor and Board Member Sanjiv K Aiyar also graced the conference.

Speaking about the conference, the CEO of CyberEye, Ram Ganesh said “Many countries across the world have recognized the potential of LoRaWAN and are implementing the technology to build Smart Nations. The changes it could bring in India are immense. LoRaWAN can reduce the costs involved in building Smart Cities multifold. With this technology, a Smart India is not very far.”

Smart and connected cities will bring substantial improvements in the urban way of life that would effect one third of the Indian population. Smart cities also affect the core infrastructure elements like solid waste and energy management, efficient urban mobility and public transport. This will give way to a robust and sustainable e-Governance.

“Through ‘The Things Conference India’, we have set up a platform for people to come and discuss problems and bring out solutions. We are excited to take this disruptive technology forward in India. We are committed to build tech communities across the country and together, we will realise the vision of a Smart & Secure India. I’d like to thank everyone for supporting and boosting the conference. iB Hubs has been supporting us end-to-end throughout the journey since our inception. Without their unending support ‘The Things Conference India’ wouldn’t be possible. ” Ram added.

Ramanan Ramanathan, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission said “Indians fare well when an ecosystem is provided to them. Our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, is also keen towards leveraging the new technologies that work for greater good. We want to make thousands of Satya Nadella’s and Sundar Pichai’s in India. India has a huge demographic dividend with 65% of India’s population below 35 years of age. This is an incredible time for greater research and innovation. The opportunity ahead of us is fantastic. It is time to grab it with both our hands.”

Jayesh Ranjan, Principal Secretary, IT I&C Dept., Govt of Telangana, said “The Telangana Government made a conscious decision to strive for being pioneers and leaders in emerging technologies. There are at least 20 IoT innovations from the state. Internet of Things can be a potential game changer. With this technology, the ability to make people realise the importance of technology and adapt to it is very much possible.”

Wienke Giezeman, the Founder and CEO of ‘The Things Network’ said “We see a vibrant community in India. We are glad to be here & India will be a great avenue for LoRaWAN. We strongly believe in the capabilities of the tech community in the country. We’re very happy that India is also on the frontlines of adopting emerging technologies with the efforts of companies like CyberEye. We are partnering with CyberEye to provide professional services in India. We are really excited to work with them. “

Kavya, CEO, iB Hubs quoted “It’s great to see such a huge response for the first ever ‘The Things Conference India’. We are very glad that CyberEye is taking successful steps in bringing the new-age technology to India. It gives us a boost to see startups making such a difference. We would be supporting many more startups in future which can drive the nation forward. ”

Over 300 delegates from across the world including industry leaders in Governments, IoT, developers, corporates, governments, thought leaders, & academia have come together to discuss the immense possibilities and overcome the challenges in building smart applications at scale.
Things Conference is an initiative of The Things Network. The Things Network has built the largest open LoRaWAN network in the world with coverage over 50+ countries and has more than 50,000 developers in its community. Thus, it is offering abundant data connectivity, so that applications and businesses can flourish.



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