DVComm launches new casting devices


New Delhi :Delhi based e- Commerce portal DVComm.In has come up with some unique products that is set to script new chapters in health, education and across consumer sectors in the country.

Talking to newsmen DVComm.in Chief Marketing Manager Prithvi Rajawat said that these castiing devices and AV projectors would substantially improve and help in the working and functioning simultaneously by four persons at the same time.

These devices would be of immense importance in places like -Hospitals, Educational Institutions over holding classes and in Seminars and Conferences and certainly in Enterprise markets over numerous applications and presentations.

Mr Rajawat disclosed that the casting devise is a small equipment but could change the entire skill in the medical sector and similarly would bring a radical influence over other sectors.

These equipments would have a price tag at Rs 45,000 while its contenders are sold over Rs 1.5 lakhs, Mr Rajawat added.

DVComm.In would also be offering hi end ASUS laptops for the domestic market that could cater the needs of graphic designing sector Mr Rajawat added.

He said that they would also be marketing the very practical and less space requiring ASUS – All In One (AIO) Computer for those looking for style and value.

Bringing in the excitement of the upcoming world cup – the company would be marketing projectors from Vivitek to suit – Cineplexes Halls, Multiplexes.


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